Interest overview

Current interest rates for Broker cash balances

Variable interest rates
on broker cash balances

FREE Broker

PRIME+ Broker

PRIME Broker

Scalable account
(interest forwarded from partner banks and money market funds)

2.5%* p.a.
on up to €50,000

2.5%* p.a.
on up to €500,000


Baader Bank account
(interest by Baader Bank AG)


1.35%1 p.a.
on up to €100,000


All rates shown are per annum (p.a.).

1The bank is entitled to adapt the interest rate and tiering system to the conditions on the money market and/or capital market by increasing or decreasing them, taking the refinancing options into account. For the current interest rate and tiering system please refer to Baader Bank’s special conditions governing the Schedule of Prices.

Overview of interest rate changes

The overview shows the evolution of European Central Bank (“ECB”) interest rates and the interest rates we forward from partner banks and qualified money market funds for Broker cash balances as well as our rates for Credit (granted overdrafts) and tolerated overdrafts.

Effective date

Interest rate of the ECB for the deposit facility

Interest rate on Broker cash balances forwarded from partner banks and qualified money market funds*

Interest rate of the ECB for main refinancing operations

Interest rate for Credit (granted overdrafts)

Interest rate for tolerated overdrafts

12 March 2025




3.74% (PRIME+ Broker), 4.74% (FREE Broker, PRIME Broker)


5 February 2025




3.99% (PRIME+ Broker), 4.99% (FREE Broker, PRIME Broker)


18 December 2024




4.24% (PRIME+ Broker), 5.24% (FREE Broker, PRIME Broker)


10 December 2024




4.49% (PRIME+ Broker), 5.49% (FREE Broker, PRIME Broker)


All rates shown are per annum (p.a.).

Notes on interest rate changes in your Scalable account

All interest rates are variable. Adjustments of the interest rates for Credit (granted overdrafts) and for tolerated overdrafts are based on changes in the interest rate of the ECB for main refinancing operations. Further details on the calculation of interest rates for Credit and for tolerated overdrafts can be found in our client documentation.

Cash balances are held at trustee banks and money market funds without a fixed term and with variable interest rates. The respective interest rate is based on the conditions on the money and/or capital market and the ECB's interest rate for deposits. The trustee banks may raise or lower their interest rates at any time. The interest rate of the qualified money market funds, also known as the yield, can be viewed on a daily basis at the respective fund provider. You can find all links and the documents of the trustee banks and qualified money market funds here.