Invest globally in portfolios weighted by gross
domestic product
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With this investment strategy, you invest in a global equity portfolio. Unlike most other strategies, the composition is not based on market capitalization, but on real economic performance: companies from countries with higher gross domestic product (GDP) have a larger share than companies from countries with lower economic performance. This ensures that the economic performance of a region is decisive for its representation in the portfolio.
The investment strategy involves investing exclusively in equities (100% equity ratio). As a result, both return opportunities and risk are increased.
Note: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Asset class | Financial Product | Weight |
Equities / US | iShares S&P 500 Swap UCITS ETF | 29.2% |
Equities / Canada | UBS MSCI Canada UCITS ETF | 2.3% |
Equities / Europe ex-UK | Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex UK UCITS ETF | 17.5% |
Equities / Germany | Xtrackers DAX UCITS ETF | 1.6% |
Equities / UK | iShares Core FTSE 100 UCITS ETF | 3.6% |
Equities / Japan | Amundi Prime Japan UCITS ETF | 4.5% |
Equities / Pacific ex-JP | L&G Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity UCITS ETF | 3.2% |
Equities / EM | iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF | 21.3% |
Equities / Latin America | Amundi EM Latin America UCITS ETF | 3.1 % |
Equities / China | Xtrackers CSI 300 Swap UCITS ETF | 13.7% |
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When calculating the total annual costs, the individual fee levels are taken into account.
Status of product costs: December 2024