There are risks associated with investing. The value of your investment may fall or rise. Losses of the capital invested may occur. Past performance, simulations or forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Please refer to our risk information.
*2.5% interest p.a. (variable) on up to €500,000 in PRIME+ and €50,000 in FREE, forwarded from partner banks and qualifying money market funds. The interest rate is based, among other things, on the respective market rate. The allocation of cash balances is variable and takes into account available capacities, conditions and client activity. Balances at partner banks are protected up to €100,000 per client per bank under the statutory deposit guarantee scheme. For qualifying money market funds, instead of the statutory deposit guarantee scheme, European investor protection rules (UCITS) apply regardless of the amount.
Please note our risk information on the safekeeping of cash balances. Further information on interest is available here.
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