New at Scalable Wealth: Start with a one-off investment of just €20

March 25, 2024  |  Scalable Capital
You can now open a customised ETF portfolio with a one-off investment of just €20.

So far it was already possible to open an automated ETF portfolio with a monthly savings plan of €20.

Now we are making access to the capital market even easier: from now on, you can also open a wealth portfolio starting with just €20 as a one-off investment. Available to all Wealth customers with a custody account at Baader Bank.

Scalable Wealth in brief

With our wealth management service, we take the burden of investing off our customers. We offer a large selection of globally diversified portfolios as well as portfolios with a special investment focus, such as Megatrends, Value or Allweather. We manage and monitor the portfolios and adjust them automatically if necessary so that our customers can sit back and relax when investing their money.

The lower investment sum is available on web, iOS and android from the app version 24.4.

Open portfolio now

Risk Disclaimer – There are risks associated with investing. The value of your investment may fall or rise. Losses of the capital invested may occur. Past performance, simulations or forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. We do not provide investment, legal and/or tax advice. Should this website contain information on the capital market, financial instruments and/or other topics relevant to investment, this information is intended solely as a general explanation of the investment services provided by companies in our group. Please also read our risk information and terms of use.

Author Scalable Capital
Scalable Capital
Digital wealth management & broker with flat rate
Scalable Capital is a leading fintech in Europe that brings people and technology-based investing together. Scalable Capital offers digital wealth management and a broker with a trading flat rate. In digital wealth management, the company creates and manages globally diversified ETF portfolios for its customers with, if desired, sustainable investment strategies. The broker enables customers to trade shares, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, funds and derivatives themselves and to conclude savings plans.